A Design Porto criou a Identidade Visual para estas duas instituições. A linguagem gráfica é objetivamente semelhante entre as mesmas.
BLOCGROUP – Banco de investimento privado responsável por administrar o patrimônio de indivíduos de alto patrimônio líquido.
BLOCMEDIA – Empresa de mídia de serviço completo de propriedade privada que contrata freelancers e os conecta a clientes sustentáveis.
We’re a group of engineers and investors in emergent technology. Enthusiasts with decades of business building experience at companies.
OurBloc is comprised of a skilled team that will work with you to develop comprehensive financial and business solutions that minimize risk and encourage sustainable growth.
About Us
OurBloc was founded in 2016 as an effort to increase awareness in investing in emerging technologies. At that point, a solid footing had already been amassed in the space, and the conglomerate grew eager to help others. Since then, OurBloc has helped many people become financially successful and stable through their knowledge of the space.
Fast forward to today, OurBloc manages 5 different companies which operate in the sectors of, Research & development, Private Equity, Venture Capital, Real Estate, and Media.